*TB 43-177
Figure A-2. Equipment setup for normal observations.
e. Alternately move the leads and make the
measurements as required to obtain observations four
through eight to complete the remaining five
The position of the potentiometer
observations of this series.
EMF-REVERSAL switch is governed
by the actual difference between the
measure the difference between cell A of the reference
cell EMFs. When the switch is the "+"
or working group and cell 3 transport standard. Enter the
position, the sign for the observation
observed value, with proper sign, in observation block
is positive (+), when in the "-"
number 9 of the next line (this is the value of cell A-
position the sign is negative (-).
(minus) cell 3). Note that the positive EMF lead of the
potentiometer is now connected to the reference or
switch positions for observations
working group and the negative lead to the transport
when the temperature of the
transport standard is significantly
g. Alternate move the leads and make the
lower than that of the reference or
measurements as required to obtain observations
working group.
number 10 through 16 to complete the remaining seven
measurements of this series.