TB 9-4920-361-24
(4) Set GAS GEN SPEED NO. 1 HI/LO switch to LO. Frequency counter will
indicate 0.
(5) On model 476-853, set GAS GEN SPEED NO. 1 CAL/NOR switch to NOR and
adjust GAS GEN SPEED NO. 1 variable control from fully ccw to fully cw. Frequency
counter indication will vary from 0 to 2400 Hz minimum.
(6) On model 476-854, set GAS GEN SPEED NO. 1 CAL/NOR switch to NOR.
Frequency counter will indicate between 2,375 and 2,480 Hz.
(7) On model 476-854, adjust GAS GEN SPEED NO. 1 variable control fully ccw.
(8) Set ON-OFF-SIM ONLY switch to OFF.
(9) Disconnect leads from connector No. 1 pins c (HI) and d (LO) and connect to
connector No. 2 pins c (HI) and d (LO).
(10) Repeat (2) through (8) above, except use GAS GEN SPEED NO. 2 controls.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
17. Engine Oil
Press No. 1 and No. 2
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect equipment as shown in figure 3, connection A for connector No. 1. Do
not disconnect equipment connected in figure 1.
Figure 3. Engine oil pressure -
equipment setup.
(2) Set TI ENGINE OIL PRESS NO. 1 CAL/NOR switch to CAL and HI/LO
switch to LO.
(3) Set calibrator for a 6 V, 400 Hz output.