TB 9-4920-453-35
(7) Adjust ac calibrator output level for full-scale indication on TI meter. Ac calibrator output
will be between 799.7 and 866.3 mV.
(8) Vary autotransformer (A2) between 105 and 125 V. The TI indication remains within 2%
of full-scale.
(10) Adjust ac calibrator output to minimum.
(11) Set OPERATION switch to VX0.1 and adjust ac calibrator output for a full-scale
indication on TI meter. Ac calibrator output will be between 79.97 and 86.63 mV.
(12) Set OPERATION switch to DX1.0 and adjust ac calibrator output for full-scale indication
to TI meter. Ac calibrator output will be between 799.7 and 866.3 mV.
(13) Adjust ac calibrator output to minimum.
(14) Set OPERATION switch to DX0.1 and adjust ac calibrator output for full-scale indication
on TI meter. Ac calibrator output will be between 79.97 and 86.63 mV.
(15) Repeat steps (1) through (14) above for remaining three channels of TI.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
9. Integrator Network Calibration
a. Performance Check
(1) Set OPERATION switch to DX1.0.
(2) Adjust ac calibrator for a frequency of 1000 Hz and output amplitude for full-scale
indication on TI meter.
(3) Record indication on ac calibrator.
(4) Set RANGE switch to 15.
(5) Adjust ac calibrator for frequency of 500 Hz, and output amplitude for an indication of 10
on TI meter. Ac calibrator will indicate within 4 percent of value recorded in (3) above.
(6) Set RANGE switch to 50.