TB 9-4931-488-35
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect TI RF OUTPUT to spectrum analyzer INPUT 50 Ω.
(2) Position controls as listed in (a) through (e) below.
(a) LEVEL VOLTS pushbutton pressed.
(b) RANGE MHz switch to 1-0.5 MHz.
(e) OUTPUT LEVEL switch to +10 dBm.
(d) RF OFF/ON switch to ON.
(e) COUNTER MODE EXPAND X10 pushbutton pressed.
(3) Adjust FREQUENCY TUNE control for a frequency MHz display indication of
0.5 MHz and OUTPUT LEVEL vernier control(s) fully cw.
(4) Position spectrum analyzer controls as necessary to obtain conditions listed in (a)
through (b) below.
(b) Reference level to 15 dB.
(5) Set spectrum analyzer Start Freq and Stop Freq to values listed in table 3.
(6) Press the spectrum analyzer key sequence in (a) through (d) below:
(a) Marker.
(b) Peak Search.
(c) Marker Delta.
(d) Peak Search, Next Peak.
(7) Spectrum analyzer will be within Mkr1 indication listed in table 3.
(8) Press spectrum analyzer Next Peak for each harmonic peak displayed,
spectrum analyzer will be within Mkr1 indication listed in table 3. Repeat technique of (2)
through (8) for remaining frequencies in table 3.