TB 9-4931-504-40
Test instrument
Performance specifications
Delaying time base:
100 s/div to 10 ns/div
Time base range
Time base accuracy
Within 2%, excluding first 1/2 div of displayed sweep
Delay zero range
0-9 div or more
Delay time multiplier
Each turn equal to 1 crt division
Delay accuracy
Within 1% of full screen when measured between 1st and 10th crt
Delayed time base:
100 s/div to 100 ps/div in 19 steps of 1, 2, 5 sequence
3%, excluding first 1/2 div of displayed sweep
At least 2.5:1
Conventional display, max lead time, left intensified dot indicates
Time base display modes:
time zero (multiplier zero), right intensified dot indicates point at
which delayed sweep starts. Time between dots is read from crt or
delay time multiplier dial.
Delayed sweep starts immediately at end of delay time. Set by
Delayed time base
delay plus delay time multiplier.
Amplitude range
10 mV to 2 V p-p
50 mV to 2 V p-p
51 +10%, ac coupled
Normal triggering modes:
150 kHz to 100 MHz
Sine waves
10 Hz to 100 MHz
10 mV/ s
Minimum rise rate
105 kHz to 100 MHz
AUTO TRIG modes:
10 mV p-p at 100 MHz (ext)
Sine waves
1 kHz to 100 MHz
Minimum amplitude
10 ns at 1 kHz
10 mV/ s
Minimum pulse width
Minimum rise rage
100 MHz to 1 GHz
HF SYNC mode:
Sine waves
24-40 Hz repetition rate
Scan controls:
1 sweep/single sweep start pushbutton pressed
slightly greater than 10 div
Single sweep
1 V/div 5%
Manual scan range
Ext scan
150 V
Max sensitivity
Max input voltage
1 V/div 5%
Horizontal output signal