TB 9-4931-504-40
(8) Repeat technique of (7) above for DELAY TIME MULT setting of 2.00 through
9.00 in consecutive order for same results as in (6) above.
(9) Set DELAY TIME MULT to 0.00 and press SWP pushbutton.
(10) Set dot on first time marker with DELAY ZERO control.
It may be necessary to reduce intensity on oscilloscope for
suitable viewing of dots.
(11) Set DELAY TIME MULT control to 1.00 and observe that first intensified dot
is within 0.l division of 2d time marker. Repeat this technique for DELAY TIME MULT
settings of 2.00 through 9.00. Intensified dot will be within 0.1 division of each marker.
(12) Reset dot on first time marker with DELAY TIME MULT control.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
a. Performance Check
(1) Set CH1 VOLTS/DIV switch to .5 V and DELAYING SWEEP and DELAYED
SWEEP SEC/DIV switches to 10 nS. Press HF SYNC pushbutton.
(2) Set oscilloscope calibrator to 10 nS markers output.
(3) Adjust TRIGGERING LEVEL control for stable display on oscilloscope.
(4) Adjust HORIZ POS control to align 2d cycle on 2d graticule line. If oscilloscope
does not indicate 1 cycle per graticule division over center 8 divisions within 0.2 divisions,
perform b (l) below.
(5) Release SWP pushbutton. If oscilloscope does not display 1 cycle per graticule
division over center 8 divisions within 0.2 division, perform b (2) below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust C350 (fig. 1) until 10th cycle is aligned with 10th vertical graticule line (R).
(2) Adjust DELAY ZERO control to set peak of one cycle on 2d vertical graticule
line; then adjust C353 (fig. 1) until 10th cycle is aligned with 10th vertical graticule line (R).
a. Performance Check
(1) Set oscilloscope calibrator to 2 nS markers output.
(2) Set CH1 VOLTS/DIV switch to .5 V, DELAYING SWEEP switch to 10 nS, and
(3) Adjust TRIGGERING LEVEL control for stable display and adjust DELAY
ZERO control to align cycle on 2d graticule line. If oscilloscope does not indicate 4 cycles
over center 8 divisions within 0.3 division, perform b below.
b. Adjustments. Adjust R380 (fig. 1) for 4 cycles of display over center 8 divisions.