TB 9-5220-213-24
(DA FORM 3023)
The owner (OUIC) is required to maintain the DA Form 3023 (Gage Record card) that
accompanies each small arms gage that requires certification. The gage user (OUIC) should
list the appropriate LOCATION (where gage is stored) on the front of DA Form 3023.
The inspection organization (PUIC) will create new cards to replace those misplaced,
damaged or cards with out of date specifications, i.e. dimensional or drawing number and
date changes. When the inspection is complete, the measurement data will be recorded on
the front of the card in the `ACTUAL GAGE DIMENSIONS' block and appropriate data on
the back. A card will accompany each gage when it is returned to the customer. The PUIC
will either complete or verify the following blocks on each DA Form 3023.
(1) GAGE DRAWING NO - Enter basic drawing number of gage including drawing
size (e.g., 5351217).
(2) TYPE - Enter full nomenclature of gage including dimensions when they are
specified as part of the nomenclature.
(3) IDENTIFICATION NO - Enter complete identification or serial number.
Identification or serial number includes leading zeros, slashes, dashes, etc.
(4) GAGE DRAWING REVISION - Enter revision letter and date (e.g. 21 Nov 04). If
no revision, enter the date basic drawing was approved. At right portion of block, enter
national stock number of gage.
(5) VALUE - Enter total procurement or manufacturing cost of gage (if available).
(6) COMPONENT DRAWING NO - Enter the basic drawing number of item being
measured. If more space is needed, use the REMARKS block or a blank 5 x 8 card.
(7) FUNCTION OF GAGE - Enter the type of measurement gage is designed to perform.
(8) REVISION - Enter revision of component drawing number and date of revision. If
no revision has been made, enter date basic drawing was approved.
(9) COMPONENT NAME - Enter nomenclature of item being measured (e.g., CAL
.50 BMG).
(10) REQUIRED COMPONENT DIMENSION - Enter dimensions of item being
measured as listed on component, drawing or Quality Assurance Provision (QAP). Also in
this block annotate "REQUIRES ANNUAL CERTIFICATION" and "DA 3023 card must be
with gage at all times".