TB 9-6625-1866-50
(5) Turn UUT A, B, C, D, and E switches to 4, 9, 9, 9, and 10. Adjust dc voltage
standard for full-scale indication on UUT.
(6) Turn NULL switch to 10, 1, and .1 while adjusting dc voltage standard for 0
(zero) indication on UUT meter. Dc voltage standard will indicate between 499.750 and
500.250 volts. If not, perform b(3) through (9) below.
(7) While maintaining null on UUT with dc voltage standard, vary autotransformer
(A1, table 1) from 105 to 125 Volts. Dc voltage standard output will remain between
499.750 and 500.250 volts. If not, and no adjustment was performed in (6) above, perform
b(3) through (9) below.
(9) Turn UUT NULL switch to VTVM.
(10) Adjust dc voltage standard for 0 (zero) indication on UUT meter.
b. Adjustments
(1) Center ADJ CAL knob.
(2) Press CAL PUSH switch while adjusting P6 (fig. 1) for zero indication on UUT
Some models do not have CAL adjustment P6.
(3) Turn NULL switch to VTVM, and adjust dc voltage standard output to 500.000
(4) Adjust ADJ CAL for null (0) indication on UUT NULL switch in 10, 1, .1 and .01
V position.
(5) Turn NULL switch to VTVM.
(6) Adjust dc voltage standard for 0 (zero) volt.
(7) Turn VOLTS RANGE switch to CAL.
(8) Press and hold CAL PUSH (OP-CAL, to CAL) switch and adjust P2 (fig. 1) for
null on UUT.