TB 9-6625-1995-24
(42) Adjust vertical amplifier controls for a 3 division display.
(43) Deenergize oscilloscope and install TI directly into oscilloscope horizontal
compartment. Energize oscilloscope.
(44) Set TIME/DIV OR DLY TIME and DLY'D time/division switches to 2 ns
(45) Adjust MAIN TRIGGERING LEVEL control for a stable display and
(46) Adjust POSITION control fully cw and check the leading edge of pulse for a
setting to the right of graticule center.
(47) Deenergize oscilloscope and connect TI to oscilloscope horizontal compartment
using extender. Energize oscilloscope.
(48) Adjust R925 (fig. 3) to position leading edge of pulse 3.5 divisions from left side
of graticule.
(49) Deenergize oscilloscope and install TI directly into oscilloscope horizontal
compartment. Energize oscilloscope.
(50) Check the leading edge of the pulse for a setting to the right of graticule center.
a. Deenergize and disconnect all equipment.
b. Annotate and affix DA label/form in accordance with TB 750-25.