TB 9-6625-2024-24
(12) Adjust dual time base POSITION control to align the nearest marker on 2d
vertical graticule line. Rotate oscilloscope calibrator knob located below EDIT FIELD
pushbutton to align 10th marker with 10th vertical graticule line. If oscilloscope calibrator
err display readout does not indicate within r5% when using TD-1085/U or r3.5% when
using Tektronix 7B53A, 7B55-AN, or TD-1159/U, perform b(1) and (2) below.
Perform (13) through (14) below for Tektronix 7603.
(13) Set dual time base TIME/DIV OR DLY TIME switches to .05 Ps.
(14) Adjust dual time base POSITION control to align the nearest marker on 2d
vertical graticule line. Rotate oscilloscope calibrator knob located below EDIT FIELD
pushbutton to align one marker per two divisions. If oscilloscope calibrator err display
readout does not indicate within r3.5%, perform b(3) and (4) below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Rotate oscilloscope calibrator knob located below EDIT FIELD pushbutton for
an err display of 0.0%.
(2) Adjust C562 and C587 (C588 for Tektronix 7603 S/N above B030000, C568 and
for one marker per division (R).
(3) Rotate oscilloscope calibrator knob located below EDIT FIELD pushbutton for
an err display of 0.0%.
(4) Adjust C566 (2) and C586 (2) (fig. 1) for S/N above B030000 for one marker per
2 divisions. Readjust C568 (1) and C588 (1) (fig. 1) for S/N below B030000 for best in-
tolerance compromise while setting TIME/DIV OR DLY TIME switches between .05 and
.1 Ps (R).
Remove all plug-ins during power supply checks.
Do not perform power supply check if all other parameters are
in tolerance.
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect multimeter between TP -50V test point (fig. 1) and chassis ground. If
multimeter does not indicate between -49.9 and -50.1 V dc, perform b below.
(2) Repeat technique of (1) above for test points and indications listed in table 4.