TB 9-6625-2024-24
i. Set MAG switch to X10. If oscilloscope display shifts more than r1.0 major division
from center horizontal graticule line, adjust R248 (X10 BAL) (fig. 3) for minimum shift
while MAG pushbutton is moved between X1 and X10.
16. Amplifier Gain and Attenuation
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 1 to TI INPUT.
(2) Set MAG switch to X1.
(3) Set oscilloscope calibrator VOLTAGE output to 50 mV and output
(4) Adjust GAIN control (front panel) for 5 divisions of vertical deflection on
oscilloscope crt.
(5) Set oscilloscope calibrator VOLTAGE output for 5 mV.
(6) Set MAG switch to X10.
(7) Rotate oscilloscope calibrator knob located below EDIT FIELD pushbutton for
5 divisions of vertical deflection on oscilloscope crt. If oscilloscope calibrator err display
readout does not indicate within r10%, perform b below.
(8) Set MAG switch to X1.
(9) Repeat technique of (7) above at settings and oscilloscope vertical deflection
listed in table 5. Oscilloscope calibrator err display readout will indicate within r2% at
each setting.