TB 9-6625-2072-24
a. Performance Check
(1) Position controls as listed in (a) through (d) below:
(a) TIME/DIV sweep display switch to MAIN.
(b) MAIN TIME/DIV switch to 1 ms.
(c) DELAYED TIME/DIV switch to 10 sec.
(d) Set DELAYED INT/AUTO/ EXT/EXT + 10 switch to AUTO.
(2) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a 1 ms MARKER output. If intensified portion of
sweep displayed on oscilloscope does not start on 2d time marker, perform b (1) below.
(3) Adjust DELAY (DIV) control to 9.00. If intensified portion of sweep does not
start on 10th time marker, perform b (2) below.
(4) Set TIME/DIV sweep display switch to DELAYED. Adjust DIV DELAY
control to 1.00 and continue adjusting control until the leading edge of the displayed trace
is one division from the start of the sweep. If the indication on the DIV DELAY control is
not 1.00 1 minor dial division, perform b (3) below.
(5) Adjust DIV DELAY control to 9.00 and continue adjusting the control until the
leading edge of the displayed trace is one division from the beginning of the trace. If the
DIV DELAY control is not 9.00 8 minor divisions, perform b (4) and (5) below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust R473 (fig. 4) until intensified portion of trace starts on 2d time mark on
2d vertical graticule line (R).
(2) Adjust R469 (fig. 4) until intensified portion of trace starts on 10th time mark on
10th vertical graticule line (R).
(3) Adjust DIV DELAY control to 1.00 and adjust R473 (fig. 4) to align leading
edge of first marker one division from start of sweep (R).
(4) Set DIV DELAY control to 9.00. Adjust R469 (fig. 4) to align leading edge of
10th marker one division from start of sweep (R).
(5) Repeat a (1) through (4) above.