TB 9-6625-2074-24
(6) Adjust calibrator controls for an output of 30.0 mV ac and adjust R328 for
ME526/USM (Boonton, Model 92BD with serial number 2890 and below) (fig. 3 for Boonton,
Model 92B) for a TI indication between 29.1 and 30.9 mV (ideal 30.0 mV) (R).
(7) Adjust calibrator controls for an output of 100 mV ac and adjust R341 (fig. 2) for
ME-526/USM (Boonton, Model 92BD with serial number 2890 and below) (fig. 3 for
Boonton, Model 92B) for a TI indication between 97 and 103 mV (ideal 100 mV) (R).
(8) Adjust calibrator controls for an output of 0.3 V ac and adjust R347 (fig. 2) for
ME-526/USM (Boonton, Model 92BD with serial number 2890 and below) (fig. 3 for
Boonton, Model 92B) for a TI indication between 294 and 306 mV (ideal 300 mV) (R).