TB 9-6625-2077-35
(b) MODULATION LEVEL control fully ccw.
(c) TUNING RANGE switch to 16-90 MHz (16-80 MHz).
(d) RF OUTPUT LEVEL control fully ccw.
(e) RF OUTPUT switch to +10dBm.
(2) Adjust TUNING COARSE and FINE controls for an indication of 80.00 MHz
(3) Adjust RF OUTPUT LEVEL control for a +3 dBm indication on TI RF
OUTPUT meter.
(4) Adjust MODULATION LEVEL control for an indication of 90 percent
modulation on measuring receiver.
(5) Adjust A5R24 (fig. 1) for an indication of 90 percent on TI MODULATION
meter (R).
a. Deenergize and disconnect all equipment.
b. Annotate and affix DA label/form in accordance with TB 750-25.