TB 9-6625-2084-35
(4) Adjust calibration fixture POSITION control to align 1st trace on 1st vertical
graticule line. If TI does not display 1 trace per division .5 minor division between 2d and
10th lines (over center 8 divisions), perform b (1) below.
(5) Set calibration fixture TEST switch to TRIGGERING GAIN. If trace is not
centered, perform b (2) below.
(6) Set calibration fixture TEST switch to VERT or HORIZ +STEP RESP. Adjust
AMPLITUDE and POSITION controls for a 2-division display centered on TI.
(7) Using POSITION control, align left trace on 1st vertical graticule line. Right
trace will be 2 divisions, .5 minor division from first vertical graticule line.
(8) Using POSITION control, align right trace on 10th vertical graticule line. Left
trace will be 2 divisions .5 minor division from 10th vertical graticule line.
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust R512 GAIN (fig. 2) for 8 divisions of deflection between the 2d and 10th
vertical graticule lines (R).
Figure 2. Board A6
horizontal amplifier adjustments -
top rear view.
(2) Adjust R525 POSITION (fig. 2) to position trace on center graticule line (R).