TB 9-6625-2094-35
(7) Position controls as listed in (a) through (e) below:
(b) Set FREQUENCY switches to indicate 050.000 MHz.
(c) MODULATION MODE switch to CW.
(d) OUTPUT step attenuator control to 10 dBm.
(e) OUTPUT VERNIER control for a +9 dB indication on measuring receiver.
Do not change OUTPUT VERNIER control setting after this
(8) Press RATIO (lit) on the measuring receiver and adjust FREQUENCY switches
from 010.00 MHz to 500.00 MHz. Measuring receiver indication will stay between -.75 to
+.75 dB over the entire range.
(9) Press RATIO (not lit) on the measuring receiver.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
a. Performance Check
(1) Position controls as listed in (a) through (c) below.
(a) FREQUENCY switches to indicate 520.000 MHz.
(b) OUTPUT step attenuator switch to 0 dBm.
(c) OUTPUT VERNIER control for 0 dBm on TI OUTPUT meter.
(2) Press FREQ on the measuring receiver and wait for frequency indication.
(3) Press RF POWER, TUNED RF LEVEL and CALIBRATE pushbutton on the
measuring receiver, then press RATIO (lit).
(4) Set TI OUTPUT attenuator switch to -10 dBm. Measuring receiver will
indicate between -9.3 and -10.7 dB.
(5) Repeat technique of (4) above for TI OUTPUT step attenuator settings listed in
table 5. Measuring receiver will
indicate within
limits specified.