TB 9-6625-2131-24
(3) Measure risetime, using standard risetime technique. Risetime will be 250 ns or
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
11. Horizontal Amplifier Gain
a. Performance Check
(1) Adjust BEAM 2 INTEN and FOCUS controls for convenient display.
(2) Install time base in RIGHT VERT compartment and standardizer in B HORIZ
(3) Set standardizer TEST switch to VERT or HORIZ COM MODE and time base
MODE switch to AUTO. If vertical trace is not within +0.5 minor division of center vertical
graticule line, perform b (1) and (2) below.
(4) Set standardizer TEST switch to VERT or HORIZ GAIN position and REP
RATE switch to 1 MHz. Adjust standardizer POSITION control to align bright center
trace with crt vertical graticule centerline. If display does not indicate 1 trace per graticule
division within 0.5 minor division over center 8 divisions, perform b (3) below.
(5) Adjust BEAM 2 INTEN control fully ccw.
(6) Move time base to LEFT VERT compartment.
(7) Set BEAM 1 HORIZONTAL MODE switch to B.
(8) Set standardizer TEST switch to COM MODE and adjust BEAM 1 INTEN
control for a suitable display. If horizontal centering of trace is not within 0.5 minor
division of crt center graticule line, perform b (4) below.
(9) Set standardizer TEST switch to VERT or HORIZ GAIN position and REP
RATE switch to 1 MHz. Adjust standardizer POSITION control to align bright center
trace with crt vertical graticule centerline. If display does not indicate 1 trace per graticule
division within 0.5 minor division over center 8 divisions, perform b (5) below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust SYMM A19 R1838 and SYMM A20 R2838 (fig. 4) (fig. 5 for type R7844) to
(2) Adjust HORIZ CTR A20 R2940 (fig. 4) (fig. 5 for type R7844) to align trace with
crt center vertical graticule line.
(3) Adjust HORIZ GAIN A20 R2816 (fig. 4) (fig. 5 for type R7844) for 1 division
between each of 9 traces displayed on crt.
(4) Adjust HORIZ CTR A19 R1940 (fig. 4) (fig. 5 for type R7844) to align trace with
crt center vertical graticule line.
(5) Adjust HORIZ GAIN A19 R1816 (fig. 4) (fig. 5 for type R7844) for 1 division
between each of 9 traces displayed on crt.