TB 9-6625-2131-24
12. Horizontal Timing and High Frequency Compensation
a. Performance Check
(1) Remove standardizer and time base.
(2) Install time base in B HORIZ compartment, press HORIZONTAL MODE B
pushbutton, and set TIME/DIV switch to 1 ms.
(3) Install vertical amplifier in LEFT VERT compartment. Press VERTICAL
(4) Connect oscilloscope calibrator to vertical amplifier CH 1 input, using 50 Ω
(5) Set oscilloscope calibrator to 1 mS.
(6) Adjust BEAM 2 INTENSITY control fully ccw and BEAM 1 INTENSITY
control for suitable viewing.
(7) Adjust vertical amplifier and time base controls for 1 marker per division over
center 8 divisions.
(8) Set time base TIME/DIV switch to 0.1 μs and MAG pushbutton to X10.
(9) Set oscilloscope calibrator to 10 ns.
(10) Adjust time base POSITION control to align nearest marker with second
vertical graticule line. Adjust oscilloscope calibrator to align 10th marker with 10th
vertical graticule line. If oscilloscope calibrator readout does not indicate within 3%,
perform (14) through (21) below.
(11) Remove vertical amplifier from LEFT VERT compartment and install in
RIGHT VERT compartment. Press VERTICAL MODE RIGHT pushbutton.
(12) Adjust BEAM 1 INTENSITY control fully ccw and BEAM 2 INTENSITY
control for suitable viewing.
(13) Repeat technique of (4) through (10) above. If oscilloscope calibrator does not
indicate within 3%, perform steps (22) through (25) below.
(14) Install standardizer in LEFT VERT compartment.
(15) Remove vertical amplifier from right vertical compartment.
(16) Set B TRIG SOURCE and VERTICAL MODE switches to LEFT, adjust
BEAM 2 INTEN control fully ccw, and BEAM 1 INTEN control for suitable display on crt.
(17) Set time base MAIN TRIGGERING switches as listed in (a) through (c) below:
(a) MODE switch to AUTO.
(b) COUPLING switch to AC.
(c) SOURCE switch to EXT.
(18) Set time base TIME/DIV or DLY TIME switch to .2 μs.
(19) Connect standardizer TRIG OUT to time base external trigger input.
(20) Set standardizer TEST switch to VERT or HORIZ +STEP RESP and adjust
AMPLITUDE and POSITION controls for a 3 division display at crt graticule centerline.