TB 9-6625-2163-24
(9) On RTS Menu 8 set RF selection to -6, then step INT GATE: #INHIBITED:
selection from 1 to 10. Press TI PUSH TO TEST switch for each step and observe that
REJECT or ACCEPT light glows. ACCEPT light should glow consistently to 6, become
intermittent from 7 through 9 and extinguished upon reaching 10 (solid REJECT
(10) Set INT GATE: #PASSED: selection to 16 and #INHIBITED: to 0.
(11) Set MODE 4 DIR/RAD switch to DIR. Press PUSH TO TEST switch and
observe that ACCEPT light glows.
(12) Step INT GATE: #INHIBITED: selection to 1 then 2. Press PUSH TO TEST
switch for each step and observe that REJECT or ACCEPT light glows. REJECT light
should be steady ON upon reaching 2.
The above tests are similar to consecutive reply tests
performed on AN/UPM-98, AN/TPM-25, and AN/APM-270(V)1
radar/ transponder test sets. The TI is tested for a pass rate of
56 correct replies within the 64 pulse recurrence frequency
(prf) for radiate mode and 16 for direct.
(13) Set controls as listed in (a) through (d) below:
MODE switch to 1.
REFERENCE CODE switches to 7777.
MODE 4 switches to DOWN position.
(14) Press PUSH TO TEST switch and turn to LOCK position. ACCEPT lamp with
(15) Set MODE switch to 2, 3/A, C, and TEST positions and repeat step (12) above
for each setting. The ACCEPT lamp will glow in each position.
(16) Disconnect all equipment.
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust A2R2 (fig. 2) until pulse width on CH 2 is 269 s (R).
(2) Adjust A2R7 (fig. 2) until pulse that appears when PUSH TO TEST switch is
pressed is 12 s in duration (R).
20. Mode 4 Power Supply Check
are within tolerance.
a. Performance Check
(1) Set multimeter function for VDC and AUTO-RANGING.
(2) Connect multimeter negative leads to A13TP2 (fig. 2) and positive lead to A3TP1