TB 9-6625-2230-35
Table 1. Calibration Description - Continued
Test instrument
Dc current
Range: 0 to 2000 mA in 5 ranges
Accuracy:1 200 A and 2 mA (.2% + 2)
20, 200, and 2000 mA (.3% + 2)
Ac voltage, dB mode
The dB mode is a mathematical function of the 5 ac voltage ranges.
7.79 dBm (0.10 dB) is checked to verify function capability
Range: 200 Hz, 2000 Hz, 20 kHz, and 200 kHz (fully autoranging)
Accuracy:1 (.05% + 1)
Range: 0 to MΩ in 5 ranges; autoranging MΩ
Accuracy:1 200 (0.07% + .02Ω)
2, 20, and 200 kΩ (.07% + 2)
autoranging MΩ, 0 to 1.9999 MΩ (.15% +2)
2 to19.99 MΩ (.2% + 3)
20 to 99.9 MΩ (1% + 3)
100 to 300 MΩ (2% + 3)
stated as +(% of reading + number of digits).
4. Equipment
Required. Table 2
identifies the
specific equipment to be
used in this
calibration procedure. This equipment is issued with Secondary Transfer Calibration
Standards Set AN/GSM-286. Alternate items may be used by the calibrating activity. The
item selected must be verified to perform satisfactorily prior to use and must bear evidence
of current calibration. The equipment must meet or exceed the minimum use specifications
listed in table 2. The accuracies listed in table 2 provide a four-to-one ratio between the
standard and TI.
5. Accessories Required. The
accessories required for this
calibration are common
usage accessories, issued as indicated in paragraph 4 above, and are not listed in this
Table 2. Minimum Specifications of
Equipment Required
Manufacturer and model
Common name
Minimum use specifications
(part number
20 mV to 750 V ac
John Fluke, Model 5700A (p/o
MIS-35947); w/power amplifier,
John Fluke, Model 5725A
.190 to 900 V dc
(5725A); w/ac divider, John
Accuracy: .0118%
Fluke, Model 7405A-4207 (7405A-
190 A to 1.9 A dc
Accuracy: 05%
0 to 1 MΩ .0225%
10 MΩ .125%