TB 9-6625-2285-24
Leave shield of coaxial lead unconnected at variable capacitor
end. Do not connect chassis ground of TI to capacitance
standard chassis.
(5) Connect variable capacitor GND terminal to TI TANK UNITS LOZ terminal
using special cable.
(6) TI display will indicate within r0.2 pf of measured value on variable capacitor
test report.
(7) Set variable capacitor to 1000 pf.
(8) Connect TI TANK UNITS HIZ terminal to variable capacitor 1150 output
terminal and repeat technique of (4) and (5) above.
(9) Tl display will indicate within r0.1% of variable capacitor test report value; if
not, perform b below.
(10) Remove connections from variable capacitor.
(12) Use technique of (4) and (5) above to connect TI to HIZ and LOZ terminals of
(13) Press EXTENDED RANGE pushbutton. TI display will indicate within r0.1%
of characterized value as measured with capacitance measuring system; if not,
perform b below.
(14) Set SELECT switch to COMP and substitute TI TANK UNITS COMP
connection for TI TANK UNITS LOZ connection and repeat technique of steps (3) through
(13) above.
b. Adjustments
TI contains static-sensitive devices. Proper precautions should
be taken to prevent damage to TI electronic components.
(1) Remove capacitance standard connection from TI TANK UNITS LOZ and
HIZ terminals.
(2) Remove six screws from front panel and remove front panel assembly from case.
(3) Adjust CLRZ potentiometer (fig. 2) until TI display indicates 0000 and - sign on
the display alternately illuminates (R).
(4) While pressing EXTENDED RANGE pushbutton, adjust CERZ (fig. 2)
potentiometer until TI display indicates 0000 and - sign on the display alternately
illuminates (R).
(5) Repeat steps (3) and (4) above as necessary.