TB 9-6625-2294-35
(11) Set CH 1 VOLTS/DIV switch and adjust TRACE SEP and CH 1 vertical
POSITION controls to view main sweep, with time markers on top half of crt and delayed
B sweep on bottom half of crt.
(12) Adjust horizontal POSITION control to start main sweep at left vertical
graticule line and adjust ∆REF OR DLY POS and ∆ controls to align both intensified dots
on 6th time marker on main sweep and superimpose delayed B sweep time markers.
(13) Press and release upper TRIGGER COUPLING pushbutton.
multimeter will indicate between 398 and 402 mV dc, and display readout will indicate:
ADJ ∆ (step) 2, 100 s, 1 s.
(14) Disconnect digital multimeter from TI and adjust ∆REF or DLY POS control to
intensify 2d time marker.
(15) Adjust ∆ control to intensify 10th time marker and superimpose delayed B
sweep time markers within .2 division.
(16) Press and release upper TRIGGER COUPLING pushbutton.
(17) Display readout will indicate: ADJ ∆, (step) 3, 300 s, 1 s.
(18) Adjust ∆REF OR DLY POS control to intensity 4th time marker and ∆ control
to intensify 28th time marker and superimpose delayed B sweep markers within 1 division.
(19) Press and release upper TRIGGER COUPLING pushbutton.
If adjustments are made in (18) above, display readout will
indicate: ADJ ∆ (step) 2, 200 s, 1 s. Repeat (14) through (19)
above until no adjustments are made in (18) above.
(20) If no adjustments were made in (18) above, display readout will indicate: ADJ ∆,
(step) 4, 100 s, 1 s.
(22) Adjust ∆ control ccw for no further movement of B sweep display. Note position
of first time marker of B sweep.
(23) Adjust ∆ control cw so 2d time marker of B sweep moves left and is aligned with
position noted in (22) above.
Movement of ∆REF OR DLY POS control at this point will
(24) Press and release upper TRIGGER COUPLING pushbutton. Display readout
will indicate: X1, X10, HRZ CTR, (step) 5, 10 s, and two vertical cursors will appear on
the display.