TB 9-6625-2296-24
(d) FIELD SELECT ...................
Highlight 10. Factory Defaults
(e) DATA ENTRY ENTER ..........
Factory Defaults recall
Assure highlighted area indicates YES before proceeding.
(f) DATA ENTRY ENTER ..........
Factory Defaults restored
(2) Press MODE MTRS (Meters Menu) key and DATA ENTRY 3 key (Pwr Meter
(3) Press Range (F1) and DATA SCROLL arrow keys to select 20 mW range and
press Zero (F4) key. Press DATA ENTRY ENTER key when Zero submenu appears.
Figure 7. Power Meter Setup (20 mW 500 mW Range).
Do not exceed RF power amplifier Maximum Input (+10 dbm).
(5) Set measuring receiver to measure RF power.
and output to -45 dBm. Slowly increase signal generator output and, if necessary, power
amplifier gain for measuring receiver indication listed in table 14 corresponding to 20 mW
range. If TI does not indicate within limits specified in table 14, perform b below.
(7) Repeat technique of (6) above for remaining TI ranges and source outputs listed
in table 14. If TI does not indicate within limits specified in table 14, perform b below.