TB 9-6625-2342-24
v. Select TRIGGER SOURCE, set EXT then set SOURCE 1 2 to 2.
and output amplitude of 50 mV.
x. Adjust LEVEL control for a stable display (TRIG'D light illuminated and READY
light extinguished). Stable display will be observed.
y. Move BNC dual input coupler connection from EXT TRIG 2 to EXT TRIG 1 and
perform (1) through (3) below:
(2) Set EXT.
(3) Set SOURCE 1 2 to 1.
z. Adjust LEVEL control for a stable display (TRIG'D light illuminated and READY
light extinguished). Stable display will be observed.
aa. Set oscilloscope calibrator to standby and disconnect equipment setup.
12. Horizontal Linearity Accuracy
If TI does not perform as specified, perform adjustments as
indicated in SECTION IV.
a. Press PRGM button then press RECALL button in main menu.
b. Use arrow labeled switches to underline FPNL.
c. Press RECALL button.
d. Select: VERTICAL MODE. Set: CH 2 to off.
e. Rotate CH 1 VOLTS/DIV knob for 500 mV indication on CRT display.
f. Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 1 output to TI CH 1 input.
g. Rotate HORIZONTAL A AND B SEC/DIV control for 200 ns indications on CRT.
h. Set oscilloscope calibrator for CHAN 1, MARKER output of 200 ns.
i. Rotate TRIGGER LEVEL knob as necessary for triggered display.
control to align 3rd marker with 3rd
graticule line. Adjust oscilloscope calibrator knob located under the EDIT FIELD key to
align 9th marker with 9th graticule line. Markers will be within display tolerance listed in
k. Repeat technique of g through j above for remaining TI settings and oscilloscope
calibrator outputs listed in table 7. Markers will be within display tolerance listed in table 7.