TB 9-6625-2367-35
10. A and B
Measurement Accuracy
a. Performance Check
(1) Press the "MENU" key, and then use the arrow keys to select "SET
Press the " "
key, then
enter 121,
followed by the " " key
(2) TI display should read "READY FOR TEST", and on the second line should
appear "Z=121". If not, repeat step (1) above.
(3) Press and hold the `0' key for at least 3 seconds. TI display will read "F=0.000 KHz".
(4) TI display should indicate values of A = 0-2988 and B=4130-8618.
(5) Enter a value of 1000, followed by the " " key.
(6) TI display will read "F=1000.000 KHz".
(7) TI display will indicate values of A = 40749-65000 and B=41999-65000.
(8) Repeat step (5) for value of 200.
(9) TI display will indicate values of A = 40545-6500 and B=41789-65000.
(10) Repeat step (5) for value of 10000.
(11) TI display will indicate values of A = 39216-6500 and B=40419-65000.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
11. Relative A and B
Measurement Accuracy
a. Performance Check
(1) Press the "MENU" key, and then use the arrow keys to select "SET
Press the " "
key, then
enter 75,
followed by the " " key
(2) TI display should read "READY FOR TEST", and on the second line should
appear "Z=75". If not, repeat step (1) above.
(3) Press and hold the `0' key for at least 3 seconds.
TI display should read
"F=0.000 KHz".
(4) Enter a value of 1000, followed by the " " key.
(5) TI display will read "F=1000.000 KHz".
(6) Record the values of A and B as the base values.
(7) Repeat technique of steps (1) through (5) above for impedances of 121 , 200 ,
and 400 and record values of A and B for each impedance.
(8) Calculate the ratios of each measurement to the base value (ie: A ratio[z=121] =
A[z=121]/A[base] ) for A and B. Ratios will be in accordance with table 3.