TB 9-6685-363-50
(6) Load system and measure gap at each gaging hole. If gap has changed more than 0.004 in. (0.01016 cm)
from gap recorded in (5) on page 11, perform b(1) thru (7) below.
(7) Check zero setting of TI indicating dial with system unloaded. If TI indicating dial does not indicate zero,
perform b(3) below.
(8) Adjust relief valve on pump for approximately 100 psi (7.00 kg/cm ) indication on pump pressure gage. See
(9) Operate TI and record indication of TI and force calibrator.
(10) Repeat (8) and (9) above at approximately 100-psi (7.00-kg/cm ) increments up to 700 psi (49.00 kg/cm ),
and also at approximately 750 psi (52.50 kg/cm ).
(11) Repeat (8), (9), and (10) above for a series of three readings for each 100-psi (7.00-kg/cm ) pump
pressure. The average values for these readings should be within the limits specified in table 1 (p 2). If not, perform b(4)
and (7) below.
b. Adjustments.
Use only the hydraulic fluid specified. Use of automotive engine oil or hydraulic
brake fluid will cause damage to equipment.
(1) Fill lever gun (B4) with hydraulic fluid (B3) to within 1/2 in. (1.270 cm) of top. Release air bubbles by
opening air vent slightly and pumping handle.
Use of an empty lever gun will fill the system with air and cause improper
(2) Check lever gun follower rod free travel. If free travel is 1 in. (2.54 cm) or less, refill lever gun.
(3) Turn TI
filling valve 1/4 turn counterclockwise (Fig. 3 (p 12)) and attach nozzle of
lever gun.
(4) Using full strokes, pump lever gun handle. Measure gap at all three measurement holes with feeler gage
(82) until they average 0.030 in. (0.0762 cm). The gap will increase as more fluid is pumped into the TI. Excess fluid may
be released by loosening one of the tube fittings.
(5) Close the filling valve and check all tubing connections after filling the system.
(6) The
cell has a
pressure relief valve that is
adjacent to
and connected to
the filling valve. See figure 3 (p
12). A
suitable relief spring is
installed at
the factory that will release the oil pressure when it
exceeds the peak operating
pressure of the system by approximately 20 percent. (The purpose of the relief valve is to avoid any accidental over
pressurizing of the system that might occur during the filling of the system.) When the filling valve is closed, the relief
valve is isolated from the hydraulic circuit.
(7) Load system and measure gaps at each gaging hole. If the gap has decreased more than 0.004 in.
(0.01016 cm), air is entrapped in TI load cell, tubing, and indicating dial. Perform steps (a) thru (c) below to remove air
from the system.