TM 9-4935-294-15/2
6-9. Method No. 4-By Gunfire
f. Detonate the charges. For complete details on
the use of demolition materials and methods of priming
Destroy the test set by gunfire, using artillery, machine
and detonating demolition charges, refer to FM 5-25.
guns, rifles using rifle grenades, or launchers using anti-
Training and careful planning are essential. The danger
tank rockets. Several hits are usually required for
zone is approximately 500 yards.
complete destruction unless an intense fire is started, in
Note. Elapsed time: about 20 minutes.
which case, the equipment may be considered
6-8. Method No. 3-By Mechanical Means
Remove all covers from cases. Open all drawers and
Warning. Firing artillery at ranges of 500 yards or
remove all panel covers. Using an axe, pick mattock,
sledge, crowbar, or other heavy implement, smash
less should be from cover. Firing rifle grenades or
thoroughly all electronic
anti-tank rockets should be from cover.
and mechanical elements of the equipment.
Give priority to the vital elements. Ignite an
Note. Elapsed time: about 4 minutes.
incendiary grenade under each tire of vehicle.
Note. Elapsed time: about 20 minutes.