TM 9-4935-294-15/2
nesses must be adequately supported at designated
5-1. General
intervals. Cable ties should be placed at two-inch
Inspection is performed after repair and overhaul has
intervals along the entire length of the cable. All interior
been completed. This insures that the repaired and/or
hardware are secured with mechanical locking devices
overhauled equipment is serviceable according to
must be sealed with type A10528558 sealing compound.
established serviceability standards.
An in-process
All front-panel screws must be sealed with type
inspection and a final inspection should always be
A10528557 compound.
performed by the repair technician and/or the final
inspector following repair or overhaul.
5-3. Final Inspection
a. Final inspection requires some of the applicable
5-2. In-Process Inspection
a. Electrical. Soldering and wiring should conform
overall inspection checks periodically performed in the
to workmanship standards specified in MII-6872A.
field. These procedures are given in TM 9-4931-294-
Note. Solder type Sn6O, conforming to specification
b. In addition to the overall inspection checks, the
QQ-S-671, is recommended for this application.
following items should be checked where applicable:
Special care should be used when applying heat near
(1) Coaxial stub tuners should slide smoothly
semiconductor or bolometer elements. Rf connectors
without binding or digging.
must have positive and sturdy joints without containing
(2) Level-set attenuators should move smoothly
excess solder to interfere with secure mating. No solder
without excessive play.
splashes should be left in,
or on,
the parts,
(3) Tuning controls should move freely with
components, or assemblies.
b. Mechanical. The equipments, components, and
minimum backlash.
(4) Slotted sections should have smooth
movement with consistent centering of probe in slot.
234 contain many precision mechanical components that
(5) Jack pins or threads of coaxial adapters
should not be subjected to rough handling, shock, or
should not be damaged.
moisture. The mating surfaces of waveguides, flanges
and adapters should be checked for gouges, nicks, or
undamaged guide pins and a firm press fit.
corrosion. Disassembled waveguide sections should be
(7) Broadband probe should have smooth stub
reassembled with the proper hardware and be securely
movement; stub should be stationary when depth control
is adjusted.