performed as necessary to ascertain fully the extent of
any deterioration or damage found. A record of these
inspections will be maintained and attached to the test
set in a conspicuous place.
(2) When rust or deterioration is found on
any unpainted area, necessary reprocessing for
administrative storage will be immediately accomplished.
Damage caused by severe weather conditions will be
promptly repaired. Painted surfaces showing evidence of
repainted, using paint of the same quality and color as
the original paint (refer to para- graphs 4-29 and 4-30).
Shipping Instructions
a. Preparation for Shipment. Preservation and
other protective measures for shipment must be
damage during shipment. All combination cases
containing assemblies and parts making up the
operational field use and for all types of shipment and
1-Combination case 8-Card holder, destination
2-Cover assembly
9-Card holder, identification
b (4) through (8) above. The cases are ready for
10-Cover fastener, adjustable
shipment when the covers are secured by their
4-Bolt, Locking
11-Government seal
fasteners. Pressure will be maintained on the gasket
seals due to the design of the containers. Pressure in the
6-Relief valve assembly
containers will remain constant, sealing out moisture. All
7-Humanity indicator
materiel must be adequately marked prior to shipment. A
typical combination case ready for shipment is shown in
Figure 6-1. Typical Combination Case
Ready for Shipment.
b. Army Shipping Documents. Prepare all shipping
documents accompanying freight in accordance with AR
materials and the condition under which destruction will
be effected are command decisions in each case,
set AN/USM-234, when subject to capture or
according to the tactical situation. Of the several means
abandonment in the combat zone will be undertaken by
of destruction, those most generally applicable are:
the using arm only when, in the judgment of the unit
Mechanical-Requires axe, pick mattock, sledge, crow-
commander concerned, such action is necessary in
bar, or similar implement. Burning-Requires gasoline, oil,
accordance with orders of, or policy established by, the
incendiary grenades, or other flammables or welding or
Army Commander.
cutting torch. Demolition-Requires suitable explosives or
b. The information which follows is for
ammunition. Gunfire-Includes artillery, machine guns,
guidance only. Certain portions of the procedures
rifles using rifle grenades, and launchers using anti-tank
outlined require the use of explosives and incendiary
rockets. Hand grenades may be used. In general,
grenades which normally may not be authorized items of
destruction of essential parts followed by burning will
issue to the using organization. The issue of these and
usually be sufficient