Table 1 Calibration Description
1. Test Instrument Identification. a.
This bulletin
Carrier System Test Facilities Kit MK-155/TCC
(fig. 1) The equipment being calibrated will he re-
ferred to as the "Test Instrument" throughout this
approximately 2 hours, using a dc low frequency
2. Calibration Data Card. Calibration Data Card
(DA Form 2416) will be annotated in accordance
with instructions given in TM38-750 for this calibra-
tion. There are no adjustments on the Test Instru-
ment. Deteriorating parts of this maintenance kit
must be replaced when an out of tolerance condition
is detected.
3. Calibration Description. Test
Instrument param-
eters and performance specifications are listed in
table 1.
Figure 1. Telephone Carrier System Test Facility Kit MK-155/TCC