9. Matching Transformer Set, Resistor Accuracy.
a. Performance Check.
paragraphs are divided into
a, performance check, and
subparagraph b, adjustments When the
sistor (part of pads) in turn as indicated in table 3,
performance check is not within tolerance
columns 1 and 2. Measure the resistance.
and no adjustment is specified, the defi-
(2) Indications of the resistance bridge shall be
ciency must be corrected before continu-
within limits specified in table 6, columns 3 and 4.
ing with the procedure.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
8. Measuring Set Accuracy. a.
Performance Check.
(1) Adjust variable attenuator (Al) to provide
Accuracy Requirements
a loss of 7 dB.
5,000 Hertz as measured by electronic counter (A4).
Adjust output of the signal generator to produce an
indication of 0 dB on the Test Instrument meter.
(3) Indication of the electronic voltmeter (A6)
shall be between 1.0 and 1.6 volts ac.
(4) Adjust variable attenuator to loss indicated
in table 5.
(5) Indications on the Teat Instrument for each
stated loss shall be within limits specified in table 5.
Do not change the signal generator output
during the above measurements.
10. Unassembled Parts, Resistor Accuracy. a.
(6) Readjust the signal generator frequency to
formance Check.
1000 Hertz.
(7) Reposition variable attenuator to 7 dB loss.
sistor listed in table 7, columns 1 and 2 in turn.
(8) Adjust the signal generator output to pro-
(2) Indications on the resistance bridge shall be
duce the indication noted in (3) above.
within limits specified in columns 3 and 4.
(9) The indication on the Test Instrument will
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
be between -2.5 and + 2 dB.
11. Final Procedure. a.
Deenergize and disconnect
(10) Repeat the tests in (8) and (9) above, using
all test equipment, and install test Instrument in
68 kHz and 100 kHz generator frequencies.
protective cover.
(11) Turn power off and disassemble test setup.
b. In accordance with TM 38-750, annotate and
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
System). When the Test Instrument cannot be ad-
Table 5. Measuring Set, Accuracy Requirements
justed within tolerance, annotate and affix red tag,
DA Form 2417 (Unserviceable or Limited Use Tag).