tween the standard and the Test Instrument.
4. Equipment Required.
Table 2
identifies the
cific equipment required in this calibration pro-
5. Accessories Required.
The accessories listed in
cedure. This equipment is issued with electronic
table 3 are listed with electronic maintenance cali-
maintenance calibration facilities and shops, and
GSM-256 and are to be used in performing this cali-
forming this calibration. Alternate items may be
bration. When necessary, these items may be substi-
used by the calibrating activity when the equipment
tuted by equivalent items.
listed in table 2 is not available. The items selected
6. Additional Equipment Required.
Some of
must be verified to perform satisfactorily prior to use
components of the Test Instrument are required to
and must bear evidence of current calibration. The
make equipment setups and are listed in table 4.
equipment must meet or exceed the minimum use
Certify the accuracy of these components before use
specifications listed in the table. The accuracies list-
ed in table 2 provide a four-to-one accuracy ratio be-
Table 2 Equipment Required
Table 4 Additional Equipment Required
Table 3. Accessones Required