TB 9-4920-466-24
a. Performance Check
(1) Calculate the test points for 20 40, 60 80, 100%.
(2) Check TI to ensure it's still zeroed. If not zero the TI.
(3) Press the control button on the pressure indicator and set the pressure in the set
point window for the value calculated for the 20% point. Press control again.
(4) Once the pressure indicator reaches the set point and stabilizes read the TI
pressure. The TI must read within 0.2% FS of the pressure indicator. If not perform b below.
(5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the remaining calculated values.
b. Adjustment
(1) Make certain the TI is off. Remove the center screw on the back. Next remove
the front face panel. Take care not to break the wires extending from the sensor to the
(2) Move the mode jumper from the "PARK" position to the "CALIBRATION"