TB 9-4931-287-40
a. Performance Check
Figure 2. Milliampere measurement - equipment setup.
(2) Adjust decade resistor to 500 ohms.
(3) Position controls as listed in (a) through (c) below:
(a) MILLIVOLT switch to 100.
(b) MILLIVOLT control to 0.
(c) FUNCTION switch to MEASURE X1 mA.
(4) Position plugs in dc current shunt (A1) for 10 mA (milliamperes).
(5) Press DET switch and adjust output of dc power supply to obtain null on TI
meter. If multimeter does not indicate between 99.88 and 100.12 mV, perform b below.
(6) Turn MILLIVOLT switch to 10 and FUNCTION switch to MEASURE X1 mA.
(7) Repeat technique of (5) above. If multimeter does not indicate between 99.70
and 100. 30 mV and no adjustments were previously made, perform b below.
(8) Position plugs in dc current shunt for 100 mA.
(9) Turn MILLIVOLT switch to 20.
(10) Press DET switch and adjust dc power supply to obtain null on TI meter. If
multimeter does not indicate between 19.96 and 20.04 mV, and no adjustments were
previously made, perform b below.
(11) Repeat technique of (8) through (10) above, using value listed in table 6. If
multimeter does not indicate within limits specified, and no adjustments were previously
made, perform b below.
Readjust value of decade resistor as required.