TB 9-4931-393-35
a. Performance Check
Do not perform power supply check if all other parameters
are within tolerance.
(1) Set FUNCTION switch to CURRENT OFF.
(2) Connect dc voltmeter (A2) across capacitor A1C5 (fig. 1 or 2), using two test hook
probes (B3). If dc voltmeter does not indicate between -29.95 and -30.05 Vdc, perform
b(1) below.
(3) For TIs with serial numbers prefixed 610 or 613, connect dc voltmeter between
negative side of A1C5 (fig. 1) and base of A1Q5 (fig. 1), using two test hook probes. For
TIs with serial numbers prefixed 739 or 811A, connect dc voltmeter between negative
side of A1C5 (fig. 2) and base of A1Q8 (B) which is at junction with R53 (fig. 2). If dc
voltmeter does not indicate between +17.748 and 17.752 Vdc, perform b(2) below.
Float dc voltmeter. The negative side of A1C5 is at -30 Vdc.
between +12.5495 and +12.5525 Vdc, perform b(3) below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust A1R14 (fig. 1 or 2) to obtain dc voltmeter indication of -30.00 Vdc (R).
(2) Adjust A1R17 (fig. 1 or 2) to obtain indication of +17.750 Vdc on dc voltmeter (R).
(3) Adjust A1R19 (fig. 1 or 2) to obtain indication of +12.551 V dc on dc voltmeter (R).
Resolution of potentiometers may not permit exact settings
specified in (2) and (3) above. If the voltage is set to the high
side within limits for the 100-ohm adjustment, set the voltage
to the high side within limits for the 200-ohm adjustment,
even if it is possible to obtain a setting closer to the exact
setting on the low side.