TB 9-4931-538-40
Table 1. Calibration Description - Continued
Test instrument parameters
Performance specifications
DC voltage accuracy: (50 source)
DC voltage measurement and rms
Single voltage marker
Average mode: 0.4% of FS or marker reading (whichever is
greater) 2 mV
20 GHz persistence mode: 0.4% of FS or marker reading
(whichever is greater)
12.4 GHz persistence mode: 0.4% of FS or marker reading
(whichever is greater) + 2 mV 1.5% of (reading - channel offset)
Dual voltage markers (on same channel)
Average mode 0.8% of FS or delta reading (whichever is greater)
20 GHz persistence mode: 0.8% of FS or delta reading
(whichever is greater) 3% of delta marker reading
12.4 GHz persistence mode: 0.8% of FS or delta reading
(whichever is greater) 1.5% of delta marker reading
RMS noise in persistence mode (1 sigma)
20 GHz bandwidth mode 2 mV (applies to Hewlett-Packard,
Models 54120B firmware dated June 14, 1989 and later)
Time interval
Accuracy: 10 ps 0.1% of reading
Trigger Sensitivity
Dc to 100 MHz
Sensitivity: 40 mV p/p, increasing linearity to 200 mV p/p at 2.5 GHz
Trigger and timebase combined (one standard deviation) < 2.5 ps
+5 E-5 X delay setting
TDR risetime
< 45 ps (measured in 12.42 GHz bandwidth, average mode)
TDR flatness
After 1 ns from edge l %, +5%, -3% to 1 ns from edge
Channels 1 through 4 5% for 30 ps risetime
External trigger < 10% for 100 ps risetime
to 18 GHz only.
4. Equipment Required. Table 2 identifies the specific equipment to be used in this
calibration procedure. This equipment is issued with Secondary Reference Calibration
Standards 4931-00-621-7878. Alternate items may be used by the calibrating activity. The
items selected must be verified to perform satisfactorily prior to use and must bear evidence
of current calibration. The equipment must meet or exceed the minimum use specifications
listed in table 2. The accuracies listed in table 2 provide a four-to-one ratio between the
standard and the TI. Where the four-to-one accuracy cannot be met the four-to-one
accuracy will be listed and the actual accuracy of the equipment selected is shown in
5. Accessories Required. The accessories listed in table 3 are issued as indicated in
paragraph 4 above and are used in this calibration procedure. When necessary, these items
may be substituted by equivalent items, unless specifically prohibited.