TB 9-4935-552-50-2
n. Check the
voltage across shunt A3,
using differential voltmeter A4. If the
indication is between 0.0162 and 0.0174 VDC, proceed to step t. If out of tolerance, proceed
to step j. If out of tolerance for the second time, proceed to step o. If out of tolerance for
the third time, return the system to LCSS maintenance personnel.
o. Set source/detector adapter power supply LAMP DRIVER circuit breaker to OFF.
p. Remove the three screws securing the lamp shield and cover.
q. Allow 10 minutes for the lamp to cool. Press down firmly on the lamp top, rotate
lamp ccw 90 degrees, and remove lamp.
r. Replace lamp, lamp cover, and shield. Energize LAMP DRIVER circuit breaker.
Allow 15 minutes warmup.
s. Proceed to step 13h.
t. Program: (Press RESET then ADVANCE switches) SPGNR@. Wait 10 seconds.
u. Program: SPS3028PS3APGNAPGNP0025PG NW00125PGN + 05PGNS@K.
v. Adjust radiometer A2 controls as follows:
Spectral filter (yellow markings) to OPEN.
MODE to position 5.
RANGE to position 4.
w. Open access door of radiometer A2. Carefully peak TRD by slowly adjusting 100 Hz
trimmer. Close the access door.
x. Adjust radiometer A2 GAIN to produce 2.50 .02 VAC on TRD.
y. Program: (Press RESET then ADVANCE switches) SRSA2@K.
14. Filter Checks
Complete this paragraph even if some of the indications are out
of tolerance. Provide the LCSS maintenance personnel a copy
of LCSS calibration data retrieval on all ND filters ND 0.477
through ND 3.000.