TB 9-5210-209-24
(1) Rotate thimble of micrometer depth gages through its full range; the thimble
should move freely and easily without backlash. Backlash may be checked by holding the
base and observing that there is no movement when the thimble is pushed and pulled laterally.
(2) Main scales (blades) of vernier depth gages should move freely in their base
(3) The rod of dial indicating depth gages should move freely and return to stop
position without hesitation.
8. Micrometer Depth Gage Zero Setting
a. Performance Check
(1) Turn thimble of TI counterclockwise until 0 to 1 inch rod recedes beyond
(2) Place TI on triangular base component of gage block set.
(3) Turn thimble clockwise until rod makes contact with triangular base, or for
Use light pressure to advance thimble so that the base of the TI
is not lifted off gaging surface. The rod should be raised and
lowered several times to insure that it has not overrun proper
(4) The TI should indicate 0 0.0003 inch (with vernier) or 0 0.001 inch (without vernier).
(5) Check zero settings of rods other than 0 to 1 inch by placing appropriate size
gage block between base of TI and triangular base.
To change rods, remove knurled cap from end of thimble and
clean. Insert rod through hole in thimble assembly. Replace
and tighten cap.
b. Adjustments. Position adjusting nut on rods in accordance with manufacturer's
instructions for zero indication. Special wrenches are supplied with micrometer depth gages.