TB 9-5210-209-24
(4) Repeat this check using the combinations of gage block depth specified in table 4.
b. Adjustments
(1) Retract the point of rod beyond the knife edge.
(2) Depress the depth button to its limit. The indicator pointer should move
0.125 inch past zero-set position before making contact with internal mechanical stops.
(3) Loosen screw at back of base assembly and reposition base assembly toward or
away from indicator to achieve above condition.
Do not overtighten screw on back of base assembly.
Adjustment cannot be made to dial indicating depth gages for
inaccuracies. Springs are used for return and anti-backlash
only. Accuracy is dependent on quality of gears rack, pinions,
Indicators are
interchangeable with any other standard American gage design
13. Vernier Depth Gage Zero Setting
a. Performance Check
(1) Retract measuring end of main scale beyond edge of base. See fig. 6 for location
of component parts.
(2) Set base of TI on triangular base.
(3) Advance main scale until it makes contact with triangular base. Lock main
scale in place.
(4) The vernier depth gage should indicate zero.
b. Adjustments. Loosen screws which fasten vernier scale to base assembly. Move
vernier scale until zero line of vernier scale is in exact coincidence with zero line of main
scale and the 25th line of the vernier scale is in exact coincidence with a line on the main
scale. Tighten screws and recheck zero setting.