TB 9-5895-1913-40
This bulletin provides instructions for the
1. Test Instrument Identification.
calibration of RF Reference Source, Fluke Models 9640A, 9640A-STD and 9640A-LPN with
The manufacturer's manual and procurement
specifications were used as the prime data sources in compiling these instructions. The
equipment being calibrated will be referred to as the TI (test instrument) throughout this
a. Model Variations. None.
b. Time and Technique. The time required for this calibration is approximately 8
hours, using the dc and low frequency technique.
2. Forms, Records, and Reports. Forms, records, and reports required for calibration
personnel at all levels are prescribed by TB 750-25.
3. Calibration Description. TI parameters and performance specifications which
pertain to this calibration are listed in table 1.
Test instrument parameters
Performance specifications
Range: 10 Hz to 4 GHz
Accuracy: (0.04 ppm + 0.16 mHz)
Freq reference output: ≤ 4x10-8 over 1 year
Spectral purity
<60 dBc to 1 GHz
<55 dBc from >1 GHz to 4 GHz
<75 dBc ≤ 500 MHz to 1 GHz
<70 dBc >500 MHz to ≤1 GHz
<65 dBc >1 GHz to ≤2 GHz
<60 dBc >2 GHz
to ≤4 GHz
AM Rate Range: 1 Hz to 220 kHz depending on carrier freq
AM Rate Accuracy:
≥ 1 kHz 1 digit
< 1 kHz 10 mHz
AM Depth Accuracy:
3% of setting + 0.1% for > 5% depth
FM Rate Range1 Hz to 300 kHz (verified to 200 kHz)
FM Rate Accuracy:
≥ 1 kHz 1 digit
< 1 kHz 10 mHz
FM Deviation Accuracy:
3% of setting +240 mHz