TB 9-5985-317-40
Be careful when using the Network Analyzer with the cables as
excessive movement can result in damage to the cables and/or
cause bad readings.
(2) Insert TI.
(3) Highlight each channel and select Marker/Analysis, Marker, then set marker
frequency to 50 MHz. At this point it may be necessary to go back to each channel and
perform autoscale: select response, scale, and autoscale all and restart average if necessary.
(4) Allow the system time to stabilize and take the readings.
(5) There are two SWR readings from the traces that measure S11 and S22; each
must be <1.05 @ 50 MHz.
(6) There are two log mag readings from the traces that measure S12 and S21.
Average the two log mag readings to get the attenuation value. The value must be 30 dB
0.05 dB @ 50 MHz.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
a. Deenergize and disconnect all equipment.
b. Annotate and affix DA label/form in accordance with TB 750-25.