TB 9-6625-091-35
1. Test Instrument Identification.
This bulletin provides instructions for the
manufacturer's instruction manual was used as the prime data source in compiling these
instructions. The preamplifier plug-in will be referred to as the TI (test instrument)
throughout this bulletin.
a. Model Variations. Plug-ins with earlier S/N's were designated type 53/54K; later
versions were designed type K. Some units have BNC input connectors. When necessary,
b. Time and Technique. The time required for this calibration is approximately 2
hours, using the dc and low frequency technique.
2. Calibration Data Card, DA Form 2416
Forms, records, and
reports required for calibration personnel at all
levels are
prescribed by TM 38-750. DA Form 2416 must be annotated in accordance with TM 38-750
for each calibration performed.
b. Adjustments to be reported on DA Form 2416 are designated (R) at the end of the
sentence in which they appear. When adjustments are in tables, the (R) will follow, the
designated adjustment. Report only those adjustments made and designated with (R).
3. Calibration Description. TI parameters and performance specifications which
pertain to this calibration are listed in table 1.
Table 1. Calibration Description
Test instrument parameters.
Performance specifications
Rise time:
For plug-in alone
6 nsec
12 nsec
531, 531A, 533, 535, and 535A
31 nsec
14 nsec
Dc to 30 MHz; down 3 dB 0.5 dB at 30 MHz.
543, 545, 545A, and 555.
531, 531A, 533, 535, and 535A.
Dc to 15 MHz
Dc to 25 MHz
Step attenuator
0.05 to 20v/cm in 9 ranges.
3% on any 1 step.
1 megohm, 20 pF
Maximum input1
Combined dc and peak ac, 600v.
specification is for information only and is not necessarily verified in this bulletin.