TB 9-6625-152-24
(g) Press Rx TEST, [RF Gen] then press ON OFF key to on.
(2) Set measuring receiver to spectrum analysis mode and configure to measure
carrier signal and at least 4 harmonics. If harmonic levels are not within limits specified
for harmonics in first row of table 7, perform b below.
(3) Set measuring receiver to measure spurious signals. If spurious signal levels
are not within limits specified for spurious signals in first row of table 7, perform b below.
(4) Repeat technique of (1) (c), (2) and (3) above for remaining TI frequencies,
harmonics and spurious signals in table 7. If harmonics and spurious signals are not
within limits specified in table 7, perform b below.
Table 7. Harmonics and Spurious Signals.
Test instrument
Measuring receiver
Spurious signals (dBc)
(5) Set TI output to minimum.
b. Adjustments. None.
12. Single Sideband Phase Noise
a. Performance Check
(1) Set TI as listed in (a) through (g) below:
(a) Press RF IN/OUT SELECT to select BNC output.
(b) Press Rx TEST key then [RF Gen].
(c) Press FREQ and set to 1000 MHz.
(d) Press LEVEL and set to 0 dBm.
(e) Press Rx TEST, [Mod Gen], [Gen1/Gen2] until MOD1 FREQ is
highlighted, then press ON OFF key to off.
(f) Press Rx TEST, [Mod Gen], [Gen1/Gen2] until MOD2 FREQ is
highlighted, then press ON OFF key to off.
(g) Press Rx TEST, [RF Gen] then press ON OFF key to on.
(2) Set measuring receiver to phase noise mode and configure to measure 20 kHz
offset from carrier frequency. If measuring receiver indication is not within limits specified
in first row of table 8, perform b below.