TB 9-6625-152-24
e. Press TI [IC201 Offset] key and connect multimeter configured for DC Volts
g. Remove BNC short from TI AF INPUT.
h. Press TI [Scope Sens] key and connect TI AF GEN OUT to TI AF INPUT (TI AF
generator will be supplying 1.06 V rms @ 1 kHz to TI AF INPUT).
Connect multimeter configured for AC Volts measurements to TI TP210 (fig. 11).
k. Disconnect equipment setup.
27. Voltmeter DC Offsets and Sensitivity
a. Press {[HELP/SETUP], [Diagnostic], [B1 Setup], [Scope/VM]}, [IC205 Offset].
b. Connect a BNC short to TI AF INPUT connector.
c. Connect multimeter configured for DC Volts measurements to TI TP202 (fig. 11).
e. Remove BNC short from TI AF INPUT connector.
f. Press TI [Vm sens 3kHzLP] key.
g. Connect TI AF GEN OUT to TI AF INPUT.
h. Connect multimeter configured for AC Volts measurements to TI TP211 (fig. 11).
i. Adjust R238 (fig. 11) for 4.883 V rms 10 mV.
j. Press TI [Vm sens 50kHzLP] key.
4.883 V rms 100 mV.
k. Disconnect equipment setup.
28. SINAD/Distortion Meter
a. Press {[HELP/SETUP], [Diagnostic], [B1 Setup], [Scope/VM]}, [Sinad].
b. Connect TI AF GEN OUT to TI AF INPUT.