TB 9-6625-1932-35
Perform (2) below for TI power sensors or (3) below for TI
thermistor mounts.
(2) Adjust programmable sweep generator LEVEL output controls for 0.1 mW or a
suitable power level within the range of the TI. Record digital multimeter indication as V2.
(3) Adjust programmable sweep generator LEVEL output controls for 1 mW or a
suitable power level within the range of the TI. Record digital multimeter indication as V2.
(4) Press programmable sweep generator RF output pushbutton to OFF position.
Record digital multimeter indication as V1.
(5) Press programmable sweep generator RF output pushbutton to ON position.
Ensure digital multimeter indicates V2 value recorded in (2) or (3) above.
(6) Disconnect standard thermistor mount from equipment setup.
Do not disturb programmable sweep generator LEVEL output.
(7) Connect equipment as shown in either figure 2 or 3, CONNECTION B.
(8) Allow enough time for TI to stabilize and record power meter No. 1 indication.
(9) Use formula below and calculate substituted dc power level for standard
thermistor mount.
P = R V1w - Vw2
Power in mW.
Bridge connection factor (2.2222 for 200Ω thermistor mount and
2.500 for 100Ω standard thermistor mount).
V1 = Power bridge output voltage with RF output OFF.
V2 = Power bridge output voltage with RF output ON.
Kb = CAL FACTOR of standard thermistor mount from chart.