TB 9-6625-1966-35
22. Phase Dial and
a. Performance Check
(1) Adjust function generator FREQUENCY for 1 kHz and set function switch to SINE.
(2) Set TI + INPUT PHASE -switch to + (positive).
(3) Adjust calibrator frequency to 1 kHz and for a 3.535 V output.
(4) Set oscilloscope vertical MODE switch to ALTERNATE, adjust horizontal
TIME/DIV switch for several cycles of display, and set TRIGGER SOURCE switch to EXT.
(5) While observing oscilloscope, obtain phase lock by adjusting TI PHASE control
until two displays on oscilloscope are in phase. If TI PHASE dial does not indicate
0 20 degrees, perform b (1) below.
(6) Set TI + INPUT PHASE - switch to - (negative). Repeat (5) above.
PHASE dial does not indicate 180 10 degrees, perform b (2) below.
(7) Repeat (2) through (6) above for frequencies of 100 Hz and 10 kHz, respectively.