TB 9-6625-1967-24
(2) Connect termination to TI CABLE connector.
(3) Position base of pulse on crt horizontal graticule centerline, using
(4) Remove termination. If trace shifts by more than 0.5 divisions, perform b below.
/DIV switch to 500 or lower to obtain 1.000 V in next step.
(5) Set m
(6) Connect multimeter negative lead to ground terminal GND of P21 (fig. 6) and
(7) Adjust POSITION/FINE and ZERO REF (SET) controls until multimeter
indicates 1.000 V 0.008 V.
Figure 6. Vert amp/slow ramp board - top view.
If unable to obtain 1.000 V in (7) above, set m /DIV switch to 200.
(8) Repeat technique of (7) above, using only the positive lead to connect to resistors
listed in table 5. Multimeter will indicate within limits specified.