TB 9-6625-1967-24
s duration, -3.5 V output with +2.0 V offset and
external trigger.
(5) Pull POWER switch to on.
(6) Position controls as listed in (a) through (c) below:
/DIV switch to 200.
(a) m
(b) Multiplier switch to X1.
(c) CABLE DIELECTRIC (all pushbuttons to out positions).
In (9) below, do not exceed 0.85 V to CABLE input with
oscilloscope calibrator.
(7) Connect oscilloscope calibrator output to CABLE input, using cable and X10
trigger input.
(10) Align first time-mark behind first vertical graticule line on crt using
DISTANCE control. If the 11th time-mark does not align within 0.2 minor divisions to the
left of the 11th graticule line, perform b below.
(11) Push POWER switch to off and replace U1575 (fig. 7). Pull POWER switch to on.
b. Adjustments. Adjust R1435 FT/DIV (fig. 7) to align alternate markers behind each
vertical graticule line using DISTANCE control to keep first time-mark behind first
vertical graticule line (R).
a. Performance Check
(1) Position controls as listed in (a) through (d) below:
DIV switch to 500.
(a) m
(b) FEET/DIV switch to 1.
(d) Multiplier switch to X.1.
(2) Align incident pulse of crt display to graticule reference line (2d graticule), using
ZERO REF control.