TB 9-6625-1967-24
(3) Connect a 36" BNC to BNC, RG-58 cable to CABLE input.
(4) Adjust DISTANCE dial to 031.5. If leading edge of reflected pulse is not
centered on graticule reference line within 0.1 division, perform b below.
(5) Press ZERO REF CHECK pushbutton. If the incident pulse does not return to
graticule reference line, press and hold ZERO REF CHECK pushbutton while adjusting
ZERO REF SET control until incident pulse is aligned on graticule reference line.
b. Adjustments. Adjust R1315 DIST CAL (fig. 7) to align leading edge of reflected
pulse to reference graticule line.
Perform this check only if TI has the X-Y output module.
a. Performance Check
(1) Place TI terminal connection link on negative slope terminal as shown in figure 4.
(2) Connect multimeter positive lead to PEN LIFT red terminal and common lead
to PEN LIFT black terminal. Multimeter will indicate approximately + 5 V dc.
(3) Press and release RECORD switch while observing sweep and multimeter
indications. Multimeter will indicate +0.5 V or less at start of sweep and approximately
+5 V at the end of sweep.
(4) Disconnect link from negative slope and connect to positive slope as shown in
figure 4. Multimeter will indicate approximately -0.5 V.
(5) Repeat (3) above while observing for beginning and ending indications of
+4 volts or more and +0.5 V or less respectively.
(6) Move multimeter connections to TI Y terminals.
(7) Adjust ZERO REF SET control fully cw.
(8) Press and hold RECORD switch and adjust POSITION control for a 0.0 V
indication on multimeter.
(9) Adjust ZERO REF SET control fully ccw. If multimeter indication does not rise
to approximately +0.4 V, perform b below. Release RECORD switch.
(10) Connect multimeter to TI X terminals and press and release RECORD switch.
Multimeter will indicate between 0 and 1 V as dot moves across crt screen.
b. Adjustments. Press and hold RECORD switch while adjusting R7225 (fig. 4) for a
+0.4 V indication on multimeter. Release RECORD switch (R).