TB 9-6625-1995-35
(16) Adjust DELAY TIME MULT dial to 0.0.
(17) Adjust R525 (fig. 3) to aline the 1st time marker of Delayed sweep with the 1st
time marker of the Delaying sweep.
(18) Repeat (15) and (17) above as necessary.
(20) Adjust POSITION control fully ccw.
(21) Adjust R935 (fig. 3) to aline the 2d time marker with the left (first) vertical
graticule line.
(22) Adjust POSITION control fully cw and verify the sweeps start to the right of
graticule center.
(23) Set TIME/DIV OR DLY TIME and DLY'D time/division switches to 2 ns
(25) Position vertical amplifier controls for a 2 division display.
(26) Adjust MAIN TRIGGERING LEVEL control for a stable display.
(27) Adjust POSITION control to aline the 2d time marker with the 2d vertical
graticule line.
(28) Adjust C540 (fig. 3) for 1 time marker per division over center 8 divisions (R).
(29) Set TIME/DIV OR DLY TIME and DLY'D time/division switches to 20 ns
(30) Set oscilloscope calibrator MARKER output for 20 nS/D and repeat (25)
through (27) above.
(31) Adjust C721 (fig. 3) for 1 time marker per division over center 8 divisions (R).
(32) Set TIME/DIV OR DLY TIME and DLY'D time/division switches to 20 ns
(33) Adjust DELAY TIME MULT dial to 3.00.
(34) Adjust POSITION control to aline the 2d time marker with the 2d vertical
graticule line.
(35) Adjust C440 (fig. 3) for 1 time marker per division over center 8 divisions (R).
(36) Adjust TI and vertical amplifier POSITION controls to place the leading edge of
Delayed sweep time marker at intersection of horizontal and vertical graticule centerlines.
(37) Adjust DELAY TIME MULT dial to 9.00.